Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Greatest Movie Poster Ever

Well, I got some faulty wires hidden somewhere in the walls of my house. I got a temporary connection, but my service comes and goes as it pleases. I have to live with it for now. I mean, I can't keep going back to my old college. They might catch on to me. So this is a quick post while I'm still connected.

Here is one of the posters which will be used for the Captain America movie, and I have to say this is the greatest poster ever. It's a nice send-back to the 40s when this story takes place. Beautiful artwork with all the stars showing up, and it even has the Howling Commandos. It is also a nice look at the new outfit, which is much more practical and much less comic-y. That may also be the greatest Hitler ever.

And if the poster looks familiar, look no further than Captain America Issue Number 1.

This has been my number one most anticipated movie of the summer, and now I want to see it even more. Now, to find a good online poster dealer...


  1. oh i cannot wait to see this!!!!!!!

  2. Recently found your blog. As a (I hesitate to go with "buff" as I don't retain knowledge well), I'm on board. Good stuff.

  3. Knocking out Hitler makes everything ultra badass.

  4. I just wish that is an actual OFFICIAL poster being displayed on the movie theaters.

  5. Wow! looks pretty neat :O

  6. are they going to have the same guy play hitler as did in Inglourious Basterds ? I sure hope so, that guy was great! Also to see Capt America in live action should be great!

  7. I like the reference to the comic! Very cool!

  8. That is a kick ass movie poster.

  9. That is an awesome poster. Hopefully, the movie will be better than, sayy.... anything i've seen in the past year. (doubtful)

    Also, screw the foreign countries for taking 'america' out of the title. what a slap in the face.
