Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reviewers Love Green Lantern...

                      IN BIZARRO WORLD!

Yep, Green Lantern comes out tomorrow, and it is getting blasted by that green ring that is a Rotten Tomatoes certified rotten stamp. The movie review aggregation website is giving Green Lantern a 22% after 67 reviews and it's dropping fast.   You can see what all the reviewers are saying about it Here, but I think it is put best by Manohla Dargis of the New York Times, one of the world's finest newspapers: "Green Lantern is bad." I don't think that is going on the back of the DVD box.

I'll reserve judgment until I see it, but I probably won't be seeing it anytime soon because it looks bad. People have had it out for this movie right from the get-go, between Ryan Reynolds and Tim Robbin's head (quite literally) leading a nobody cast, the stupid outfit redesigns (which actually fit in pretty well with the recent changes DC is making), and the fact that this film has more CGI than all three Toy Stories combined.

So how will this do at the box-office during the Summer of Flops? This has been marketed MUCH more aggressively than X-Men (87% at RT) or Thor (77% and with a sinisterly similar plot). Besides, never underestimate the power of Ryan Reynolds's abs. And if the year's highest grossing movie, Hangover 2 (35%), has shown us anything, it is reviews don't matter.

Anyway, there are a few minor things that bother me about this just from the trailers.
--There is a scene where Hal Jordan (Reynolds's abs) is sparring with Sinestro. Killawog (and no, I'm not going to bother spell checking any of these names) says something about never trusting your enemy, and the camera zooms in to Sinestro. Ok, I like a good foreshadowing as Sinestro (spoilers, I guess) becomes the main bad guy. That's cool and all, but WHY IS THE CAMERA STILL ON SINESTRO? Seriously, the camera stays on him, as a hero mind you, for the entire minute while they are explaining how bad guys are born. I think we got it.

--People threw a major fit when the alien character of Superman was given to British actor Henry Cavill. But nobody seems to care that a Canadian actor is playing the gung-ho American military brat, Hal Jordan. People are too busy throwing a fit over Reynolds without even getting to his nationality.

--Finally, they changed the Oath. How could they do that? The old Oath goes:
                                   In brightest day, in blackest night,
                                   No evil shall escape my sight
                                   Let those who worship evil's might,
                                   Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!
But the new Oath goes something like this:

                                   In brightest day, in blackest night,
                                   No evil shall escape my sight
                                   Let those who worship evil's might,
                                   Beware my power... GRRRALWWARTMWWIIIIIIIIIIGTTTTTTTTTTT!
Why did they change that? That must be a Canadian word.

Who knows how it will turn out, but I bet Warner Bros is starting to regret that three movie deal before filming even started.


  1. hahah in bizarro world, haha warner bros now have to stick with it

  2. I don't know a lot about green lantern, so this movie can't really deceive me on a story level, only with their flashy weird cgi special effect.

  3. We all know what those 300M went to: booze and pizza :p

  4. Never been a Green Lantern fan... but I did cringe in the previews. It looks pretty bad. Won't be seeing it myself.

  5. I'm going to see Green Lantern simply because Gossip Girl's Blake Lively is in it and they've given her brown locks. That's a good reason, right?


  6. I loved the eye candy in the previews.

  7. Green Lantern is going to suck.

  8. If crap sells... then sell CRAP! that is the way the system works i guess. so sad that good movies are tossed out for the crap though.
